Shaya Ang
3 min readJul 15, 2024

Hello, Everyone!

I’m back, after dedicating a year and more to my one-on-one monthly energy clearing and coaching program.

I would like to share some thoughts but just a heads up: if you don’t know me that well, some parts might cause you to feel uncomfortable as they may come across as prideful. My intention is not to make you want to vomit, but to simply share what was on my mind about my life, so that you can use them to reflect on your life too.

Life has been revealing layers of its magnificence as layers of my being evolve. On top of that, what makes me happier is having my loved ones in my life and watching my clients grow, getting better and better as I met them every single month, for a year.

For me, every year and moment has been a step forward to another level of being and awareness.

The more I clear myself, the more emotions I release.
The more emotions I release, the more lessons I learn.
The more I learn, the more conscious I become.
The more conscious I become, the more clarity I gain.
The more clarity I gain, the calmer and more peaceful I feel.

And there is no end to this. The realm of consciousness is vast, deep, and multi-layered. The moment you step into peace and comfort, and think it’s better to stay this way, you will either stop growing and get stuck in the convenience within your fortress, or you will be met with a challenge that brings you to another new, beautiful life at a higher state of awareness while still being in the same body.

It’s a progressive, upward spiral.

I love everything that I went through and am going through. I have problems to solve that make my life always exciting, progressing, and full of energy whenever I see it from this positive perspective.

I don’t want other people’s lives. I am glad to have been surrounded by a family and people that I love and care. I’m grateful to meet new souls in my life, who always come right in time.

Life is only hard when we let society and its opinions dictate ours.
Life is only harder when we let our emotions dictate our decisions and life’s direction.

Life is always easier when we stick to this timeless advice:

*Step 1*: Follow the head to make sense of the present moment.

*Step 2*: Follow the heart to explore the limitless possibilities life has to offer, without fear, but with caution and conscientiousness.

Use both the above to make decisions and set goals.

Once you reach your goal, create the next one. And on and on and on.

Life is too short to purposelessly stay doing the same thing over and over again.

I have gotten out of many previous comfort zones, so it’s not very difficult for me to leave the old and step into the new, even when I have to do it alone, or even when I know I will be seen as the villain and hated for it.

I’m here to share with you that your life need not be dictated by society or any doctrine, but you must be clear on why you want to pursue the life you desire.

Because if it’s driven by emotional burdens, it will take away your energy because the burden will never leave. You escape a territory, yet you bring the energy with you and keep it with you. It will eventually make you sick.

On the other hand, if it’s driven by curiosity, it will give you energy. Because you’re in for an adventure, not an escape, not to prove anything.

I have lived my life shedding every bit and piece of opinions that don’t sit well with my mind, soul, and body. It doesn’t matter how popular the opinions are, or how great the bearer of the opinions is. I have also fallen many times and gotten up stronger. Everyone else has. It’s not difficult; we all went through that when we learned how to walk.

Life without having to overcome challenges is stagnant; stagnancy depletes energy. Don’t stay and repeat. Keep looking into yourself and see what’s in you that needs to change.

That’s for now. ❤


Shaya Ang

Here to share my thoughts. Energy Bender @emohealing. ~For growth in health and consciousness~