Emotional Clearing Will Not Change You

4 min readAug 24, 2018

“Bad” news: Emohealing can’t change you. It doesn’t possess any power to transform you. What it does is simply removing blockages, consisting emotions in all its forms that you have allowed in through your thoughts, beliefs, principles and values.

That is why, after a clearing is done for a specific issue, you may find yourself attracting the same or similar issue.

Once the whole course of clearing is done, all the underlying emotional causes are cleared. Cleared means they have been dissolved or deformed. The dissolve or deformation is permanent. Because emohealing is a clearing intent, not a shielding attempt.

There are many healing practices and traditions that are mistaken as a healing modality when they are actually only a shielding method. The formula is quite straightforward: when you clear, the thing you cleared is cleared. When you shield yourself against it, you are shielded (which means the thing is still there).

The difference between clearing and shielding is the former clears, the latter shields. That’s all. What does that entail?

When you shield yourself against something, you are just placing a barrier between you and the thing. It’s the same as chasing something away. Can the thing come back? Yes, when the shield is broken. This is why some “healing methods” require you to do some kind of ritual, which, if you stop doing it, the symptoms would come back.

Whereas, when you clear something, it’s gone. But what if you feel or see it coming back again and again? There are two answers to that:

  1. It’s a natural process of healing after something is being cleared. Your whole self is undergoing “loss”. For the longest time it has been following a certain pattern or system that attracted or produced an effect. But this pattern is distracted. So the rerouting takes time to adjust and in the process symptoms may appear to reoccur. Different individuals certainly will experience healing in their own unique ways. I have written a post on this.
  2. Because the clearing (in this case emohealing), is targeting a single particular issue (such as relationship, habit, attitude, ailment, etc), it only clears all the root causes in you that have attracted that particular issue in the first place. It does not clear everything or every negative things in you. So all the other parts of yourself that do not directly cause the particular issue you are clearing, are not cleared. Thus if you find yourself experiencing the same issue, it is highly likely that it is a brand new issue that looks or feels entirely the same as you have had it before. You think it’s a come back, but actually it’s a recreation.

So what or how have you recreated it? You have recreated it with your mind: your thoughts, or your beliefs. If you have resolved your issue through healing or clearing services, but in your mind you’re still doubting your healing capability, or thinking negative thoughts, you will find yourself recreating old experiences. Because your thoughts are constantly attracting experiences.

That’s why no clearing or healing can change you.

There are two kinds of CHANGE:

i- Evolution: change that takes place as part of the laws of nature (I’m not talking about the theory of evolution);

ii- Improvement: change that takes place by your will power.

If you want a better life, it cannot be done through healing alone. It has to be a deliberate, conscious effort to train your mind, to question your beliefs about things that make you feel down, to replace all your disempowering attitudes or habits with empowering ones, to train your mind to think only useful thoughts, and the list goes on. All these, nobody else can do it for you.

Emohealing is a clearing process that involves detecting emotional root causes of an issue so that it can be gradually cleared. Healing takes place naturally. I mentioned this before: that I do not heal you. You heal yourself. Your body heals itself. I am just assisting in the form of removing blockages to pave way for healing. Of course, during the process, you need not do anything. If you want to transform yourself, this clearing only helps you free yourself from some unseen blocks. You will eventually feel easier to attract things you want to attract, and you will feel it easier to do things that have been difficult for you to do or achieve before the clearing. Your life will feel better because some blocks have been cleared. But it stops there.

Your thought-habits, beliefs, values, and principles in your life — old or new — are the ones that only you can control and navigate, and those are the determinants of what you will attract next.




Knowledge and experiences on energy clearing by Shaya @emohealing.com