Question: What is the difference between your emotional clearing and religious healing methods? How do you chase away ghosts without reciting any mantras?
When I think back to my teenage years, there’s a vivid memory that stands out. I attended a class where I learned about a religious traditional healing method that involved reciting verses from the Quran. It was intriguingly focused on treating individuals believed to be possessed by genies, with the hope of restoring their well-being. During that class, the teacher showed us footage of patients undergoing treatment, revealing an unexpected twist. There were instances where the “genie” wouldn’t leave immediately and could even correct the healer if they recited the verse incorrectly.
This experience made me question the notion that words alone possess the power to heal. It became evident that the true healing potential lies in intention. Words, verses, mantras, and other tools serve as enhancers of faith and confidence, placebos, or simply as a part of traditional beliefs. By expressing this, I don’t intend to diminish or deny the effectiveness of traditional healers and their methods. They hold their own merit, I respect all traditions and I do believe that energies can be transferred through words, spoken or written the same way it works on water. In fact, in my practice, traditional remedies would sometimes show up for some clients to aid in their healing process. For example, in one of my clearing sessions with a client, a religious remedy showed up for her to practise. And this would usually happen according to the background of the clients and what they personally believe. My practice is universal, I am neither pro or against specific healing methods as long as they belong to light energy. I am merely sharing my thoughts after having explored various healing approaches when I was young.
Over the years, I’ve also observed a similar pattern among most religious traditional healers I’ve encountered. They could successfully expel the “genie” from the body, yet it often returned over time. In cases where it didn’t, it was usually because the patient diligently adhered to specific practices or rituals. Without consistent practice, the problem would inevitably resurface. There were even instances where the “genie” vanished when the healer was present, only to reappear once they left — a seemingly whimsical game of hide-and-seek. This reiterated my repeated belief: the healer’s intention is key. Often, healers have limited knowledge beyond identifying possession, leading their intention to remain focused on banishing that “entity,” nothing more.
Witnessing the exhaustion and seriousness that some healers carried when dealing with psychic attack or possession cases, as well as the mixed effectiveness of their results, I never thought this would be something I would ever want to get involved with. However, everything changed when I discovered that true healing lies in addressing the root cause, not just the symptoms. And at the core of all ailments lies emotion in all its manifestations. The longer these emotions remain suppressed, the more severe the symptoms become.
So no, I don’t chase away ghosts or work with genies. My work revolves around the energetic imprints of emotions that attract symptoms and ailments, including what some might refer to as “ghosts.” I don’t claim to solve your problems, but I am here to assist in removing the causes and blocks. In fact, I don’t “heal” at all — true healing occurs naturally. The ghosts, or whatever name you give them, voluntarily depart. I firmly believe that instead of fixating on expelling these “entities,” our focus should be on liberating ourselves first and foremost.
As I reflect on my journey, it has been marked by a shift in perspective. From an exploration of traditional healing methods to a deeper understanding of the power of intention and the underlying emotional energies that shape our well-being.